Purdue University On-line Writing Lab
This is the grand-daddy of all writing centers. It was started by Muriel Harris, who is well known in the field of tutoring and writing support. This site has handouts for just about everything and excellent, clear explanations of many common writing tasks.
University of Wisconsin Writing Center
The UWWC is a great resource for documentation and quick writing guides for specialized tasks. All the folks working there are writing specialists with advanced degrees, so the advice that is dispensed is high quality.
Cornell University: John S. Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines
This writing center has a really solid plagiarism avoidance tutorial as well as a couple of on-line publications geared towards the teaching of first year writing students.
University of North Carolina: Chapel Hill Writing Center
This is another VERY comprehensive site that packs a resource punch! Their page of available handouts is quite extensive, and they also provide some excellent strategies for writing tutors to use with challenging clients such as ESL/ELL students.
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