Josh S


Josh S.

Kitchen implements you like using the most


Do you like movies about gladiators?


Have you ever been to a Turkish prison?

No and hopefully not any time soon

Paper or plastic?


Favorite authors

Leo Tolstoy, William Shakespeare, and Marcus Aurelius

Cartoon character you identify with most closely

Bugs Bunny (Ahhhh, Wats up Doc?)

Most inspiring quote

Inspiration is a guest that does not willingly visit the lazy.- Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and

Don't look back, somebody might be gaining on you. -Satchel Paige

What you want to do in the next five years

Working for DreamWorks Pictures as a  film composer

Best place to kill an hour on the TRCC campus

If I had an extra hour in my day I would definitely spend it in the Writing Center

Most valuable tips for writers

Finish your paper a few days early so you can put it aside for at least 24 hours before you turn it in.  It always helps to find the small mistakes that you missed.  And also to read your paper aloud.  You will always find something you can fix when you read it aloud.

I’d also like to add….

War Eagle, Beat Bama!