Jon B


Jon B.

Kitchen implements you like using the most:

Chinese-style serving spoon

Do you like movies about gladiators?

Yes; the original Spartacus especially

Have you ever been to a Turkish prison?

No, but I have always been curious...

Paper or plastic?

I bring my own bags

Favorite authors:

William Somerset Maugham and anyone who write good Man Fiction

Cartoon character you identify with most:

Huckleberry Hound

Most inspiring quote:

It's not the years; it's the mileage

What you want to do in the next five years:

I would like to expand my teaching horizons by developing some tasty new classes with colleagues in other departments.  I would also like to do some hobby farming and maybe subscribe to Backyard Poultry magazine.

Best place to kill an hour on the TRCC campus:

Can you kill time? Does time have a life of its own?  Isn't it like space?  You can't "kill" either one; you can only accept them as arbitrary constructs within which human beings define their existence.

Most valuable tips for writers:

You need to do some thinking before you do some writing; if you don't think well, it is hard to write well.  If you think about something consistently and in a focused manner, it will make writing about it a lot easier.  It is really tough to just start writing a coherent paper if you just read the question or writing prompt and go.  THINK…then write….

I’d also like to add….

How about that Brett Favre?