



Amy R.

Kitchen implements you like using the most

Wooden spatula

Do you like movies about gladiators?

Only the old Christian to the Lions miracle movies, when men had REAL muscles!

Have you ever been to a Turkish prison?              

Why? Is there a field trip?

Paper or plastic?

Bags? This question is about bags?

Favorite author

Creation: “The heavens are telling the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims His handiwork. Day to day draws forth speech and night pours forth knowledge. There is no sound, nor are there words. Their voice cannot be heard. But their voice goes out to the end of the earth and their words to the end of the world.” ~ Psalm 19

Cartoon character you identify with most closely

Scooby Doo – I like adventures, even when I’m scared to death

Most inspiring quote

I love you.

What you want to do in the next five years

Everything, and then some.

Best place to kill an hour on the TRCC campus

Outside in the sunlight, even on windy, cool days

Most valuable tips for writers

Use a comfy pen.  Write as if there was no paper budget. Never shred the first copy. Don’t be afraid to write in the dark.

I’d also like to add….

Breathing is good.